Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who is Macbeth most like in the real world?

The answer to this question very difficult to come up with. So, after thinking for a while and trying to describe Macbeth the best I can, I came up with...NO BODY. Nobody can compare to Macbeth because Macbeth is so very unique that no body can compare to him in any way. Macbeth is a character in which you think that he could be a good guy but turns out to be the bad guy.
Nobody is so greedy for power that he will kill his own best friend just to become King. Just to have to the power that he already had because he most likely going to be king any way in a few years but he was inpatient and killed King Duncan. He didn't want to but his wife made him because she wanted his power. Greed is the main factor in describing Macbeth, and nobody has that much greed.

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