Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Its that time of year were everybody reflects on what they are thankful for everything in your life. Its kind of hard to think back on your life and say everything that you our thankful for. I know everybody is going to say their family and friends, but that is so original. So I am going to talk about things a little bit out of the ordinary of gratefulness.
Well to start of I am thankful that my car is actually working again and not crapping out on me on 34th street. That sucked way to much. I am so happy that it works fine and there are no problems with it. I am also grateful that I now know what I am going to do in life. I plan to be a radiologist and I plan to go to The STATE COLLEGE OF FLORIDA and be part of the fighting manatees. It took me four years to finally think of where I am going to college and what is going to be my major. I am a very indecisive person so it was difficult to choose what I want to do in life.
Finally, I am grateful for just living my life everyday to the fullest. It is such a good feeling knowing that since you are 18 you are a legal adult. I am so pumped about that. Well those are things that I am grateful for. Pretty specific, I guess.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my hero.

My hero is a special kind of hero. My hero is a crime stopping Kong fu fighting dog. His name Hong Kong Phooey. He is the number one super guy. Even though is a dog. Some people think that a person needs to be a persons hero. Nope, I think any thing could be some bodies hero. Mine happens to be a dog. The thing that makes him my hero is the fact that he can change in a file cabinet and drives a cool car to stop crime. He uses The Hong Kong Book Of Kong Fu to help aid him. He also has an alter ego which he calls himself Penry, who works as a janitor. That seems so cool that a janitor can also be a crime stopping dog. Also, he's not a very good super hero who always fails to save the city. His sidekick cat, spot is the one who saves the city even though Phooey gets all the credit. Which is awesome, what super hero doesn't have to do anything and still get credit for saving the city. I think Hong Kong Phooey is greatest super hero and he's also my hero because he gets all the credit for actually failing on saving the city.

Monday, November 16, 2009

i movie

I finished my first i-movie project and I thought it was pretty easy. We had to do it on a famous artist and do ten pictures with ten facts. I did Salvador Dali, it was easy to find pictures of his famous paintings and facts about his life. I thought i-movie was easy to use, it was pretty straight forward. I learned a lot though, because I am not that familiar with Macs but since we are using Macs I get hands on experience with them. I like using i-movie, it is a fun software to use and really basic. Basic is not always a bad thing though.
I-movie is pretty much drag and drop and then just add text, then your done. You can add music if you want. Or you can add themes, but basically you drag a picture, then add text, and then your done. I think it is one of the easiest software that is on a Mac. Others, like garage band is a little harder to use. But with time all of the programs get easier. You just have to practice and experiment with them.
I learned that Macs aren't as bad as I thought they would be. But, I still wouldn't buy one, they are too expensive. But I liked this project it was easy and I am good with computers so it came natural to me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Economy

Thanks to our past president Mr. George W. Bush our economy has been in the hole. When the economy was decent me and my family used to go on family vacations and go out to dinner. Now we don't do anything like that. Also, when the economy was up gas prices were down and I actually could fill up my tank with out feeling like all my hard work and earning money is just going into my car's gas tank. I used to go out a lot with my friends now I just sit at home and do nothing because it is so expensive to do anything these days.
The economy has really effected everybody, especially the high school seniors who have to pay their seniors fees and stuff. Senior fees this year are very expensive. Like $90 for the main senior fees, then prom is like $55. You can't forget about grad nite is like $110. So it is really hard for the students to pay them were they don't have a job or their parents can't pay them because they can't afford it.
The economy is really bad and hopefully it gets better soon so I can buy stuff and not go into debt.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who is the most evil character in Macbeth?

When I think about this question only one character comes to mind: Lady Macbeth.
Some people say that Macbeth is the evil character because he kills everybody and shows no remorse. But actually Lady Macbeth is the most evil because she wants Macbeth to kill King Duncan in the beginning. Macbeth tries not to commit the deed but ultimately does it anyway because Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and not a true man. She is the type of character who is evil in the her words and not in her actions. But people are going to say that she is the most evil because after the death of King Duncan she kind of lays low and sees what happens to Macbeth as he his killing all of his best friends because he is scared that they know to much even though they don't. I actually think that is evil to let your husband freak out and go pretty much on a killing spree. Also, when it comes to when Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost at the party, she starts yelling at him and making him look stupid when he is freaking out. She does nothing to support him even when he gets to deep to stop. She just sits on the side lines and watches everything unfold and make Macbeth's life a living hell.
That is why Lady Macbeth is the most evil character in Macbeth. She does thing in a psychological way that makes Macbeth's life go for the worst. All because of her, Macbeth kills King Duncan and then to try to cover everything up kills Banquo because he thinks Banquo knows to much and he wants only to be king. Also, she does nothing to try to help Macbeth after he kills these people.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who is Macbeth most like in the real world?

The answer to this question very difficult to come up with. So, after thinking for a while and trying to describe Macbeth the best I can, I came up with...NO BODY. Nobody can compare to Macbeth because Macbeth is so very unique that no body can compare to him in any way. Macbeth is a character in which you think that he could be a good guy but turns out to be the bad guy.
Nobody is so greedy for power that he will kill his own best friend just to become King. Just to have to the power that he already had because he most likely going to be king any way in a few years but he was inpatient and killed King Duncan. He didn't want to but his wife made him because she wanted his power. Greed is the main factor in describing Macbeth, and nobody has that much greed.