Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Challenge #4

I am going to write about Earth Hour which is on Saturday March 27, 2010.
Earth Hour is when everybody in the world turns off the electricity in their house for one hour. My family
are going to participate in this hour on Saturday. We are going to just turn off everything in our house, all the lights
and electronics. It should be a good time, we are just going help the environment and have fun at he same time. We
are going to play board games with the light of flash lights. It should be a very good time, just chilling with my family

Its weird that it is at 8:30 pm and not like during the day where if all the electronics were off there would be still enough
light to function through the day.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogging Challenge #3

Blogging Challenge #3
I live in a crappy town in Florida. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go. You feel stuck living in this town. The closest place to go to do anything is like an hour and a half drive. We have a mall but its almost shut down. We live to close to the beach but it gets really old after awhile of you go there all the time. And its super hot all the time so the beach isn't even that fun.
Traffic here sucks because all the old people come down from up north and drive super freaking slow. Also, the crime rate is super high. The town motto says its the nicest place to live, but that's a lie. Everyday somebody gets shot or something bad like that.
I want to get out of this town, I wanna live somewhere not so crappy. But I don't know where. Well, that's my town. In all it crapiness.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am...

I am a monster and a creep
I wonder if she would fight back
I hear her whisper no, but I don't listen
I see her struggle but I know I am stronger
I want her to like it
I am a monster and a creep

I pretend she liked it
I feel her soft hair
I touch her skin
I worry if she would tell somebody
I cry if they found out, I would be ruined
I am a monster and a creep

I understand what happened and it bothers me
I say I am in control
I dream that night never happened
I try to forget but I can't
I hope she is ok
I am a monster and a creep

Blogging Challenge # dos

Blogging Challenge #2
I think it is appropriate for students to post pictures only in their avatar area. Other than that
I don't want pictures for anybody to see, other people may disagree with me. Some will say that posting
pictures is ok and that it doesn't matter. Some people post any picture of them even if it might be provocative
and they are ok with that. I have a myspace and facebook, which I post pictures. But you have to add me
as a friend to view them. On Blogger you can just view them, which I don't like at all. Well that thats all I got.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to slam a Mini Cooper.

You don't really come by nicely done Mini Coopers these days. 1. Because it is so expensive to do anything to and 2. Nobody thinks of slamming a Mini. Not me! I plan on slamming my car so low its crazy. I also plan on getting new rims that would make my car look sweet. It takes time and effort to properly slam a car. First you need a good set of coil overs. They replace the stock suspension and make it lower and stiffer. It actually makes the car handle a lot better. Then comes the wheels, remember offset is everything!
You may be wondering why do I want to make a car lower to the ground. It all started when I found this website called HellaFlush.com. It is one of the greatest websites ever created. It shows cars that has a hellaflush stance to them.
Pics to prove it. Pics from HellaFlush.com

Monday, March 1, 2010

My philosophy on Life...

Blogging Challenge!!!!

First off, thanks for visiting my blog. It's not everyday when you are invited to be in a blogging challenge. It feels awesome that I can blog with people all over the world. Why people should visit my blog is because my blog is really awesome. I am awesome. That's right my blog is awesome. I right about awesome things, and post my awesome art work.
I usually have a blogging assignment that we do in class but I always right about my opinion to the assignment. Sometimes the assignments are a little out there but I always post on topic. I actually kind of hard to write about why people should visit my blog. But hopefully you can enjoy what I post even though it may not be that interesting. Well enjoy....