Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Economy

Thanks to our past president Mr. George W. Bush our economy has been in the hole. When the economy was decent me and my family used to go on family vacations and go out to dinner. Now we don't do anything like that. Also, when the economy was up gas prices were down and I actually could fill up my tank with out feeling like all my hard work and earning money is just going into my car's gas tank. I used to go out a lot with my friends now I just sit at home and do nothing because it is so expensive to do anything these days.
The economy has really effected everybody, especially the high school seniors who have to pay their seniors fees and stuff. Senior fees this year are very expensive. Like $90 for the main senior fees, then prom is like $55. You can't forget about grad nite is like $110. So it is really hard for the students to pay them were they don't have a job or their parents can't pay them because they can't afford it.
The economy is really bad and hopefully it gets better soon so I can buy stuff and not go into debt.

1 comment: said...

i know what you mean
my hero
is a war mongering hairless cat named chicho