My nick name came to me when I was in the forth grade. My friends didn't feel like calling by my boring name so they called my Spooney. Why, I don't know. But I went with it anyway. In middle school and even in high school, people still call me spooney. I like it, it suits me.
Some people get offended by their nickname, me not so much. I think of it as this, if people make a nick name for you, it means that somebody actually cares enough to to that. I don't get offended by nick names, I think that is stupid but that is just my opinion.
Somehow, I am supposed to compare this to Life of Pi but I can't, so I am not. I am just going to finish this blog because I really can't think of anything to write about. Whatever.
spooney, ha that does suit you well and its got to be one of the most original nicknames i have heard
ha I like your ending and spooney fits you perfect
Freeze pop friday!!!!
i remember when this was started
when we all were friends lol
now those kids are to cool for us spoondog
Compare this to Life of Pi? Rubbish.
Aw, man sweet name dude. Wish I had one cooler than that one.
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